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Margaret (Meg) Sorrells
When considering colleges, WVU was always on my list for its research opportunities, broad range of majors and career pathways, and focus on bettering West Virginia. After touring other colleges, it became clear to me that WVU has unmatched spirit, passion, pride, and potential for its students to grow. I knew that I was meant to be a Mountaineer and that WVU would be my home!
- What is the BEST reason to attend WVU?
The best reason to attend WVU is that each student has boundless opportunities ahead of them upon enrolling. With dedicated faculty and staff as well as helpful and inspiring peers, an environment exists at WVU in which any student can achieve their dreams.
- What is your favorite Mountaineer memory?
- Why did you want to become a Presidential Student Ambassador?
As a student, I see firsthand all that WVU has to offer every day. As a PSA, I hope to show prospective students their potential futures as Mountaineers.
- What did you learn from the PSA experience?
From the PSA experience, I deepened my knowledge on all the wonderful opportunities that WVU has to offer, learned about effective leadership through service, and strengthened my pride as a Mountaineer. Most importantly, I learned to prioritize my passion and live up to Mountaineer values each day!