Background Image for Hero: PSA students interacting with President Gee
Fostering an everlasting spirit of service and leadership
Presidential Student Ambassadors are student leaders who exemplify Mountaineer values. They come from diverse backgrounds and academic disciplines, yet they are united in their passion to make a positive impact on and for West Virginia University.
Explore PSA Videos Search PSAs by Student View All StudentsMission
To promote the values and ideals of West Virginia University by cultivating a campus environment rooted in leadership, service, inclusivity, and academic excellence.
To foster an undeniable and everlasting spirit of service and leadership among West Virginia University students and to share their Mountaineer passion and pride with others.
About the Presidential Student Ambassadors (PSAs)
Freshmen and sophomore students are nominated and apply to become PSAs. Only
ten are selected each semester. Students who are not nominated may apply but must
have letters of reference from two WVU professors.
PSAs work closely with WVU Student Engagement and Leadership and WVU Center for Service and Learning.
Dr. Carolyn Atkins, Professor Emerita, coordinates the Presidential Ambassador Program and teaches WVUe 280, Presidential Student Ambassadors: Leading & Serving.
Our Cohorts in action
During the unprecedented pandemic semester of Spring 2020, the PSAs developed three videos to share with patients at Ruby Memorial Hospital. This video inspires through the use of motivational quotations.
PSAs in Cohort 2 become Certified Student Leaders awarded by WVU Student Engagement
and Leadership (SEL).
Cohort 12 PSAs meet with President Gordon Gee to discuss West Virginia University - past, present, and future.
About the Program
Cultivating Leaders: the PSA program creates life long advocates for WVU
Learn about the the Presidential Student Ambassadors program as perceived by Ashley Eby and Matthew Hudson in Cultivating Leaders: Presidential Student Ambassador program creates life long advocates for WVU.STUDENT SPOTLIGHT | Other Student Profiles
Savannah Jones
Why did you choose WVU?
I chose WVU because the country roads will always be my home! Opportunities such as undergraduate research and the innovative journalism program drew me to WVU, and this first semester has proven that I made the right choice.
Speakers Bureau
Presidential Student Ambassadors excel at public speaking, whether to talk about their experience at WVU or to inspire other Mountaineers.
Noor Dahshan
Noor Dahshan explains college class schedules to Suncrest Middle School students
Ashley Eby
Ashley Eby shares her decision to select West Virginia University over an Ivy League school at the Irvin Stewart Society luncheon at Blaney House.
PSA Students
Melissa Workman introduces Giana Loretta, Meg Sorrells, Adam Stilley, and Ryan Maiden as they prepare to read stories to children at the WVU Nursery School.
Timmy Eads
Mountaineer Mascot (2019-20) Timmy Eads reflects on the development of his leadership and service at WVU.
During the pandemic semesters in 2020, the PSAs began recording their speeches. See PSAs from the PSAs.
in the Spotlight