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Kelsey Clodfelter

Kelsey Clodfelter


I chose WVU for its vast opportunities and programs. WVU is the only university in the U.S. to offer a degree in Technical Art History. The university also works hard to fund and provide scholarships to make these programs accessible to students like me.

What is your favorite Mountaineer memory?

My favorite WVU memory is simply making new friends, and being able to work and present as a research assistant at the 2022 WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Why did you want to become a PSA?

I wanted to become a PSA to spread awareness about the diverse opportunities that can enhance every student’s WVU experience. With such a large school, it can be difficult to fully take advantage of everything that is offered.

What did you learn from the PSA experience?

The PSA program has been extremely helpful in developing my leadership through effective communication. The largest portion of the assignments in the PSA course is speeches. While I have always disliked public speaking, the PSA course has taught me to effectively convey my ideas in a persuasive, refined, way. I have become a better writer, orator, and leader, because of it. One of the most notable lessons I will always remember, is the emphasis on choosing the right words for the intended audience. As a writer, I always wanted to use flowery language and long-winded tangents in my speeches, which, for a very niche audience, may be effective. However, good leaders and orators are able to adapt their writing and speaking to make sure the general audience will understand. Sometimes this means sacrificing the scholarly language and advanced terminology for something simpler. In the case of successful public speaking, less is more.
