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Matthew Hudson
After attending a Decide WVU Day, I found my “dream school” with a major, Immunology and Medical Microbiology, that is offered at very few other schools. Any stereotypes and misconceptions of WVU quickly dissipated after touring campus. An R1 research institution, a selective major, and a rapidly expanding Health Sciences Campus were some of the deciding factors for me. Now, as I continue my studies in preparation for medical school, I know exactly where I want to go: WVU School of Medicine.
What is your favorite Mountaineer memory?
Since my freshman year, I have often found myself taken aback by the Mountaineer community. Whether it be showing “horns down” at a Texas football game, dining with President Gee and peers in the Honors College, or forging new friendships, WVU has repeatedly proven to be home. I have thrived on the University’s diversity of thought, which constantly challenges my perspectives and encourages me to delve deeper into a given subject.
Why did you want to become a PSA?
I would argue that West Virginia’s greatest exports are the young, gifted, and motivated people who leave for what they hope are better options. As a University, we offer some of the best programs in the country, a fact often overshadowed by negative stereotypes surrounding West Virginia. Such falsehoods must be challenged and changed. I want every student, parent, and grandparent in West Virginia to be aware of the countless opportunities awaiting those who attend WVU. I want people to know that they do not need to leave our state to receive a “dream school” education. As a Presidential Student Ambassador, would be provided a platform to share my experiences and help others find their way to West Virginia University.
What did you learn from the PSA experience?
The PSA experience taught me how to lead inclusively and deliberately in a way that benefits all students and prospective students at West Virginia University. The takeaways from the Presidential Student Ambassador program, though, extend far beyond the confines of this formidable institution. Through meetings with WVU administrators and students, an interview with the WVU Foundation, and delivering a variety of speeches, I was empowered to advocate for fellow WVU students and the principles for which the University stands. Overall, the experience has been incredibly enriching and fostered immense personal growth.
- College Myths Debunked
- Choosing WVU as a Pre-Medical Student
- Find Your Niche, Find Your Passion, Find Your Style
- The Meal Plan: Explained
- Navigating the PRT
- Reserving a Study Room at the Library
- Why Undergraduate Research?
- Finding Purpose and Fulfillment in Volunteering
- Mental Reframing and Physical Activity: A Dual Approach to Student Mental Health