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George B. Harris V
WVU is the only institution in the United States that offers a four-year integrated dental hygiene program, doing so in a small-scale, selective environment that incorporates an emphasis on rural health to achieve the best learning experience possible. In addition to that, WVU provides the opportunity of a high-quality education at a reasonable cost with a location not far from home.
What is your favorite Mountaineer memory?
By far, my favorite Mountaineer memory comes from the first-year trip I attended with Adventure WV prior to the start of freshman year. Looking back, this experience provided me with many strong relationships that significantly eased my college transition, also giving me the opportunity to explore several beautiful areas in rural West Virginia for the first time. A truly great experience that I would recommend to anyone.
Why did you want to become a PSA?
I sought the opportunity to become a Presidential Student Ambassador in an effort to improve my public speaking and leadership skills, all while learning more about what happens behind the scenes of the great institution we attend.
What did you learn from the PSA experience?
The PSA experience ultimately allowed me to learn, substantially improving my skills in public speaking and leadership. At the beginning of the semester, I would speak really quickly during my presentations and exhibit poor nonverbal communication skills. Not only did I fix those issues, but I also feel that I now speak more confidently and am more effective at getting my message across. Last, I also believe that the PSA experience allowed me to grow as a leader, better preparing me for future leadership and employment opportunities.