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Apply Form Preview
Review the content below which is the same as the PSA Application Form.
Please do not apply or access the PSA Application Form until you are prepared to complete and submit it.
- Last Name, First Name
- I received a nomination email from Dr. Carolyn Atkins to apply to become a PSA.
(If you did not receive a nomination email, you will be asked to upload two faculty letters of recommendation on letterhead.)
- WVU Student Number: ____
- Rank: _____(Note: You should be a freshman or sophomore)
- Major College
- I have a double major. (If yes, list the second major college.)
- My cumulative GPA is: _____ (Note: Your GPA must be 3.7 or higher).
- Upload a one-page narrative (250 words or less in pdf format) describing why you want to become a Presidential Student Ambassador. Put your name at the top of the document. Save it as last name-PSA essay (e.g., Smith-PSA essay) and send a copy to
- Upload a one-page resume (in pdf format) on which you list your contact information, academic GPA, major(s)/college(s), honors/accomplishments/awards, organizations, service activities (list high school information if you are a first-semester WVU student), etc. Save it as last name-PSA resume (e.g., Smith-PSA resume) and send a copy to
- List the month and year of your anticipated graduation (example: May 2027).
- My cumulative GPA at WVU is 3.7 or higher. (Note: A 3.7 minimum cumulative GPA is required.)
- At the end of this semester, I will have (1) ____ academic hours, (2) ____ of which
transferred in as AP (Advanced Placement) credit.
- Example: At the end of this semester, I will have (1) 52 academic hours, (2)15 of which transferred in as AP (Advanced Placement) credit.). If no hours transferred in as AP, write "none" for AP hours.
- I am enrolled in the WVU Honors College. (Note: Applicants are not required to be enrolled in the WVU Honors College.)
- My home address is: ____ (city, state, zip).
- I am applying to be a PSA for the ___ time (first, second, third).
- My MIX email address is: ____
By clicking "yes" below, I hereby give permission to officials of West Virginia University to release transcripts of my academic record and other information requested. I understand that this application will be available only to the members of the selection committee and other qualified people during their selection duties and responsibilities. If I am selected, I grant permission to University officials to use information contained within this application for press articles and/or news releases. - By selecting “yes,” below, I confirm that all information submitted in this application is accurate.